How does workplace mediation work?

When two employees have a disagreement at work and they can’t figure out how to solve it on their own, the boss asks someone else to help them find a solution. That person is called a mediator and has special skills for helping other people solve problems without fighting with each other or being mad about it. The mediator facilitates a number of sessions where these employees sit down and talk about what happened, then they brainstorm solutions together so everyone can be happy again.


And what do HR professionals do during a dispute?

HR professionals are often the first point of contact for employees who want to raise a dispute. They are also responsible for handling disputes that have been raised by other members of staff, or by customers.

HR professionals will always try to resolve the issue as soon as possible, but if they can’t, they’ll escalate it to the appropriate manager or person in charge.


Can it be used in any industry or organisation?

While mediation is a process that can be used in almost any business or industry, it’s important to keep in mind that there are some limitations. It may not work if there are issues related to confidentiality, for example, because the parties involved should discuss whether their case has any sensitive personal information. It may also not be appropriate if there is a high level of conflict and it’s important to consider how mediation could affect the business.

To make sure that workplace mediation is an option for your business, it’s important to understand the legal requirements. For example, if employees have signed an employment contract, then those contracts should be enforced by both the employer and the employee.


Is there anyone my HR department can’t mediate an issue with?

In the past, HR departments were often seen as the department that dealt with employee relations and had no real power. However, this has changed in recent years. With the rise of social media and companies going public on social media platforms, HR departments have been given more power to mediate issues between employees and managers.

This is because many companies are now using social media to generate revenue through advertising and marketing. This means that employees are now able to post their thoughts on company policies or products on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter. If these posts go viral, it can cause major problems for a company’s image which is why most companies have an HR department that can step in before any damage is done.


How will your organisation benefit from workplace mediation?

A key benefit of workplace mediation is that it can help prevent lawsuits from being filed. If an employee feels that they are being treated unfairly at work, it’s often tempting to take action in court. However, this could lead to a costly legal battle that is likely to end up in the plaintiff’s favour. By taking action through mediation, employees can avoid this situation. Plus, if they reach an amicable solution, it could save their company money in the long run.

Workplace mediation can also help improve workplace morale. When employees feel respected and valued, they are more likely to put in the effort required to do their job well. This in turn leads to better performance on the job and lower employee turnover rates.


Are you facing issues relating to conflict at your workplace? We can help you. Contact us for more info.