In today’s digital age, data breaches are becoming increasingly common. For HR professionals, this is especially concerning as they store sensitive employee data such as ID and Social Security numbers, salary details and other personal information. HR departments need to take information security seriously to protect themselves and their employees from the risk of a data breach.

One common way that hackers attempt to gain access to HR data is through phishing emails. It is easy for cybercriminals to send an infected email to the HR Department pretending to be a CV or a promotional flyer advertising a conference, a training session or other services that may be of interest. If an HR professional opens one of these emails and clicks on a link or downloads an attachment, their computer could become infected with malware, giving the hackers access to the HR Information System (HRIS) or, worse still, the whole company network, potentially putting all employee and company data at risk.

To avoid such risks, HR departments should implement information security protocols and provide training to all staff on the importance of information security. HR professionals should also be vigilant and suspicious of any emails they receive from unknown or suspicious sources. They should never open any attachments or click on any links unless they are sure that the email is legitimate.

It is also important for HR professionals to use strong passwords and to update them regularly. They should also avoid using the same password for multiple accounts and change their passwords regularly.

In addition, HR departments should consider implementing multi-factor authentication, which provides an extra layer of security by requiring more than just a password to access the HRIS.

Information security should be a top priority for all those who use a computer that is linked to the organisation’s network. HR professionals are no exception as they are a prime target. By implementing information security protocols, training staff, being vigilant of suspicious emails, using strong passwords and implementing multi-factor authentication, HR departments can protect their employees’ sensitive data and reduce the risk of a data breach. If you need assistance with the implementation of such protocols, please feel free to contact us.