We all create the atmosphere of our workplaces, the climate in our homes, and the culture of our society at large. We are all authors and masters of our own lives. But are we doing our best?

As humans, we have tendencies, especially under stress, to revert to unhelpful, unproductive, and defensive behaviours. We do and say things we regret, which can have a negative impact on our relationships and our personal happiness.

But there is a way to change this. The 5 Chairs is a powerful, transformational tool that can help us become more self-aware, improve our communication skills, and build stronger relationships.

The 5 Chairs tool consists of 5 differently coloured chairs, each representing a different behavioural archetype:

  • The Jackal represents our aggressive, impulsive side. It is the voice that tells us to attack, defend, or run away.
  • The Hedgehog represents our fearful, defensive side. It is the voice that tells us to shrink away, hide, or protect ourselves.
  • The Meerkat represents our curious, observant side. It is the voice that tells us to stay alert, scan the environment, and wait for the right moment to act.
  • The Dolphin represents our compassionate, understanding side. It is the voice that tells us to connect with others, listen to their needs, and find solutions that work for everyone.
  • The Giraffe represents our wise, compassionate side. It is the voice that tells us to see the big picture, stay calm under pressure, and make decisions based on our values.

The 5 Chairs tool can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Leadership development: The 5 Chairs can be used to help leaders develop greater self-awareness and become more effective communicators.
  • Personal development: The 5 Chairs can be used to help us identify our own behavioural archetypes and learn how to use them more effectively.
  • Couples counselling: The 5 Chairs can be used to help couples communicate more effectively and resolve conflict.
  • Team building: The 5 Chairs can be used to help teams improve their communication and collaboration skills.

The 5 Chairs is a powerful tool that can help us make positive changes in our lives. If you are ready to take control of your life and become the best version of yourself, then The 5 Chairs is the tool for you.