How do you get the best performance out of your team? One thing’s for sure – if you’re not paying attention, it’s unlikely to happen by accident.

Although some people are born leaders, just as many have to learn how to be effective leaders and managers, including plenty of entrepreneurs who get involved in this side of business later in their careers after they’ve had time to learn more about other aspects of the business. Learning how to be an effective leader isn’t always easy, but if you take the time to hone your skills, the results can be truly amazing. Here are our 10 tips:


1) Define your leadership style

Change your leadership style to fit the different needs of every individual in your team. Try to motivate your people and give them the tools they need to be productive while also focusing on retention.


2) Set clear goals and objectives

Setting clear goals and objectives will help you be more motivated in your work and get the best performance out of your team. Not only will this keep them productive, but it will also keep them on board, and retain your talent.


3) Delegate tasks and give clear instructions

Delegating tasks and clearly defining the expected outcomes are great ways to empower people and in the process, you increase productivity and retention. If you are the only one that knows how to do something, it may not get done.


4) Motivate your team

It is important to be mindful that if people in your team don’t feel valued, it will make it hard for them to perform at their best and may lead to retention. One of the most powerful motivators is recognition. Make sure you recognise those who go above and beyond for the company or task, by thanking them personally and publicly or giving them a raise or another form of reward.


5) Communicate effectively

Effective communication is a critical component of being an effective leader and getting the best performance out of your team. You need to be clear, and concise, and use language that each individual on your team can understand.


6) Monitor progress and give feedback

It’s important to hold your team accountable for their tasks and make sure they are meeting deadlines, but it is equally important to let them know when they are doing a good job. If you notice that one of your team members has been especially productive lately, incentivise him/her by showing appreciation and acknowledging the achievements.


7) Reward good performance

Rewarding good performance is a great way to motivate your team. Make sure you reward them in the right way so they know what they are doing well and want to continue that behaviour. A simple pat on the back or thank-you email will do.


8) Lead by example

Make sure that you practice what you preach. Treat your employees the same way you’d like them to treat your best customers. Let your actions – rather than your words – set the expected standards and behaviours. In a few words: act in the same way you’d like your people to behave.


9) Be flexible

Many great leaders are flexible in their approach. You can’t please everybody, so it’s important to pick your battles and know when to compromise. Find out what your team needs and is looking for and provide it for them. Make sure that you have a good system in place where employees can offer feedback on what they need to be successful. If you’re not making progress with an employee, find out why.


Every good leader needs help and support. Contact us to see how we can help you achieve better results.